Monday, 27 January 2014

Joachim Froese Photography

These are my photographs in the style of Froese. Like him I choose to create a spew of sugar across the counter along with the bowl it has spilt from. The use of the different shades of browns in the photograph, such as the wooden board, counter and brown sugar shows the simplistic nature of Froeses style. This photograph is particulary effective as the edit enhances and exposes the granuels of sugar and the lighting reflects of it and shows the extent the suagr has travelled.


Fashion Photography

I took this photograph of Dayna when we got set a fashion module. We were told to choose a theme which I decided would be MODS and set up a fashion shoot surrounding this theme. The pose really offsets the peice as it uses the rule of triangles and lines. I thought this photograph was really beautiful and defined as the edit enhances features such as the face and shirt.
This photograph again follows the same theme and effect of the MOD style. This edit is slightly more shadowed and uses more negative and dull colours. However accessories such as the sunglasses and jacket make the outfit more unique. I liked this photograph as the side facing view and bent knees lets the clothes speak for themselves.

This photograph uses the rule of layers and depth as the feet which are in the foreground are much more elongated compared to the background context. This allows the viewer to follow the clothes from bottom to top. I set this photograph outside as the green and browns from the surroundings juxtaposes with the clothes.